Monday 26 December 2016

Year 2 Arts Award Bronze and Silver - Oasis Academy


A new group of students began work on their Bronze Award starting with reverse applique.  The pupils sketched their designs on paper, having first thought about their own personal objects.  The drawing below is of a student's school bag.

Hafid worked hard at his sewing techniques and made good progress towards achieving his design in felt.  There is still some work to do before his design is finished.  Hafid is in the process of cutting away the unwanted layers to reveal his chosen colours for each section.

Shola made her design using a template of a circle for each of the ears and also for the face of the mouse below.  She decided to cut away the colours in such a way that the face is striped and one edge of each stripe is loose, rather than a sewn edge.  This was her own invention.  She also added the bow.

The design was used to make the front cover for a cushion.

Olivia, who already achieved a Bronze Arts Award last term, decided to support and mentor Shola by designing and making another reverse applique piece and working alongside Shola to help her at every stage of the project.  Olivia was thinking of embellishing her design with embroidery as she did in her last project in reverse applique.