Sunday, 11 September 2016

ARTS COUNCIL OF ENGLAND FUNDED COURSE - Arts Award Bronze and Silver at Oasis Academy Media City Uk

Our Achievements So Far

After the success of our four Arts Award Bronze candidates,  they will be receiving their certificates at a special school assembly towards the end of September.  The school is hoping to keep this event as a surprise from them.  The four successful pupils will also receive a small gift to commemorate their achievements.

Last term Olivia, Yoelle, Destiny and Fanni said that they would like to try the Arts Award Silver and we made some headway toward this new goal.

In my last post I wrote about the Art Exhibition that the pupils organised for themselves at Eccles Community Art Gallery, where they displayed work which they had created during that term.  Two of the pupils, Olivia and Yoelle attended the preview and I was privileged to be able to meet Yoelle's family.  I told her father how hard they had all worked during the past year, and that some of the tasks, for example, the wire work, had been really difficult to manage, but they had all created great results.

During the preview the pupils were interviewed about their various paintings and they responded intelligently to questions both from the interviewer and from members of the public, who took an interest in their work.  The pupils were a little shy at first of talking in public, but they soon became used to this new experience and began to enjoy their moments of fame.

New Projects

As the four pupils have now achieved their Arts Award Bronze, I was invited to undertake a new project with some pupils from the new year's Year 9 intake.  As yet, I have no idea how many pupils, I will be finding all this out on Tuesday.

I have some ideas already about what we will do, loosely based on last year's program.

I do know that this year I will be making better use of the Arts Award resources, including Art Box, which is an online tool for storing the candidates' photos of their art and also of written work, which may be accessed by the candidates, the Adviser (me in this case) and the Moderator.  Art Box, it is hoped, will make it easier for the candidates to take a more active role much earlier in the learning process to assemble and collate their own individual portfolios ready for marking and moderation.

Images of Oasis Academy Pupils' Work for Arts Award Bronze, 2015-16

A painting made using various colours of diluted acrylic paint, 
which has been dripped onto the paper, and moved around
to create the different patterns.

Using string soaked in diluted acrylic paint, which was 
placed inside folded paper, and compressed with a       
heavy object, the string was pulled out of the paper,     
                               to create these patterns.                     


After drawing the design, different grades of wire were
used to create the frame and then the filling for these

The above piece was made from five layers of felt which      
were sewn together around the edges, and the design           
applied in tailors' chalk,  Then the outline was stitched and    
the different coloured felt layers were cut away to create      
the image as shown.  This is called reverse applique.            
In the  example above, embroidery was also applied.            

 The pupils created their own beads from air-drying clay,
allowed them to dry and then painted the beads in different
colours, sometimes mixing the colours together on the bead.
One or two beads were threaded onto a silver bangle.

The pupils invented their own characters during their    
sessions on action figure illustration and some managed
to invent a story to accompany the illustrations.              

These are some display boards of the wire and applique 
felt work which went on show at Oasis Academy towards
the end of July, 2016.



Četiri studenti će dobiti certifikat bronce umjetnosti na posebnoj svečanosti krajem rujna.  Nova umjetnost nagrada tečaj je planirana za 2016-17

Les quatre étudiantes recevront leur médaille de bronze Arts certificats de récompense à une assemblée spéciale à Oasis Academy à la fin de Septembre, et aussi un nouveau cours Arts Award est prévu pour 2016-17.

Die vier Studenten werden ihre Zertifikate für den Bronze-Kunstpreis bei einer Sonderversammlung an der Oasis Academy Ende September erhalten und das neue Kunstpreis Kurs ist für 2016-17 geplant.

Στα τέλη Σεπτεμβρίου, τέσσερις μαθητές θα λάβουν ένα πιστοποιητικό χάλκινο για το Arts Award σε ειδική συνέλευση σχολείο. Η νέα τέχνη βραβεία του προγράμματος έχει προγραμματιστεί για το 2016 με 17.

देर से सितम्बर में, चार छात्रों को अपने कांस्य कला पुरस्कार प्रमाण पत्र को स्वीकार करेंगे। एक नया कार्यक्रम कला पुरस्कार पुरस्कार के लिए वर्ष 2016-17 के लिए निर्धारित है।

Szeptember végén, négy női hallgatók kapnak egy bronz Arts tanúsítványt. Egy új Művészeti Díj programot terveznek 2016-17.

I quattro studentesse riceveranno i certificati loro premio di bronzo  per le arti in una speciale di assemblaggio presso la scuola a fine settembre, e un nuovo premio corso di arti è prevista per il 2016-17.

9 월 말에서 4 명의 학생은 특수 학교 어셈블리에서 예술 수상 청동 인증서를 받게됩니다. 새로운 프로그램은 2016-17 예상된다

ਦੇਰ ਸਤੰਬਰ ਵਿੱਚ, ਚਾਰ ਮਹਿਲਾ ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀ ਪਿੱਤਲ ਸਰਟੀਫਿਕੇਟ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰੇਗਾ. ਇੱਕ ਨਵ ਪ੍ਰੋਗਰਾਮ ਨੂੰ 2016-17 ਲਈ ਯੋਜਨਾ ਬਣਾਈ ਹੈ.0
Cztery studentki otrzyma Nagrodę sztuki certyfikat brąz na specjalnym apelu na koniec września Program nowe Arts Award planowany jest na 2016-17

Štyri ženské študent dostane certifikát pre bronz Arts Award. Budúci Kurz Arts Award Bronze je plánované na rok 2016-2017

В кінці вересня чотири студентки отримає бронзову сертифікат на премію мистецтв на спеціальному шкільних зборах. Нова програма премії мистецтва запланована на 2016-17.

Четверо студентов получат свои сертификаты бронзовые искусства награду на специальном собрании в Oasis академии в конце сентября, а также новый курс премии Arts запланирован на 2016-17.

Las cuatro estudiantes recibirán sus certificados para el Premio de las Artes de bronce en una asamblea especial en la escuela a finales de septiembre, y un nuevo curso Premio de las Artes está prevista para 2016-17.

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