Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Out of the Ordinary - An Arts Award Bronze Course in Fantasy Figure Drawing with Astrom Chang

Fantasy Figure Drawing 

Astrom Chang is a graduate of the University of Salford School of Art and Design.  His work at the University was of a more traditional kind, though, from an early age, he was learning the art of fantasy and superhero figures.

Astrom has been a professional illustrator during the past ten years and has collaborated recently with an established author on one of his picture novels, as well as inventing his own superhero.

He  has also delivered drawing workshops to youth groups and school pupils, however, at present he is concentrating on his figure drawing, mainly out and about around the  local city centre.


TV interview with That's Manchester:

In the Oasis Academy workshops he distributed diagrams from which the pupils could copy,  in order for them to "flex their artistic muscles" before creating their own drawings.  One was of a young woman's face and the other was of a figure.  It was recommended that these two diagrams be copied on a daily basis before attempting any drawing.

A rudimentary lesson in perspective was offered to the pupils, some of whom had heard of it but found it a difficult concept at first.  Astrom showed them the two point perspective and explained why it could be useful in drawing the figure three-quarters on, within some kind of a setting, such as a city-scape.

Astrom then demonstrated the basic skills of drawing a superhero's figure using, in the first instance, geometrical shapes such as oblongs, circles and cylinders to make the skeleton and then gradually building on this to achieve a more resolved figure.

The pupils then invented their own characters, and some even wrote a story.  The importance of these workshops was to stress the necessity for an artist to practice drawing every day, if possible.

Вчителя герой - Stan Lee. Stan Lee придумали відомого коміксів Marvel Супер-герой. Чи знаєте ви, що Супер-герой?

Les élèves de l'Académie Oasis aiment connaître les techniques de dessin et de perspective avec Astrom Chang.

Es ist wunderbar zu sehen, wie leicht und schnell Astrom zeichnen kann, nachdem er so viele Jahren seine Faehigkeiten praktiziert hat.

Según Astrom, ahora hay algunos brillantes ilustradores hembra usando sus habilidades para cambiar nuestra perspectiva sobre la fantasía narraciones en comic book art.

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