Last week I went down to Norwich to deliver the portfolios of the four remaining Arts Award Bronze candidates.
Getting the portfolios ready had its difficulties as there are numerous checks that need to be done, the various sections need to be in order, so that the Moderator can have a good idea of whether all parts of the Award have been completed satisfactorily. Then there was the question of the demonstrations the pupils made, which were all on CD but which were in no particular order, as these had been taken from my phone. I needed to put these in sequence on a USB stick, which also took some time. Eventually, everything came together and the portfolios were ready.
I travelled by coach to London and then from London to Norwich and back to Manchester again. Some might say this was over the top as the journey took approximately 14 hours in all, plus waiting time, but I felt that, after all their hard work, I couldn't put these portfolios in strangers' hands.
Only a few days later I heard the news by e-mail that ALL FOUR HAVE PASSED!
For about five minutes, I couldn't speak. I sent a few e-mails out to staff at Oasis Academy and Salford Community Leisure Ltd. who had helped with the organisation of the course and who had supported it all the way through. I also posted the results on Facebook.
The Grants Team at Arts Council England were delighted to hear that the pupils want to do their Silver Arts Award also, which was mentioned in the previous post.
Here is a message from one of the students, Varni, in her native Hungarian language:
Én egy 14 éves lány vagyok, egy évvel ezelött kezdtem el a ‘Bronze
Arts Award-ot’ csinálni (13 évesen). Azóta nagyon sokat tanultam a különbözö művészeti
Ebben tartozik a szobrászat amit drotokból készítettünk el,
különböző festési technikák, mese figurákat rajzoltunk, textíliákat készítettünk,
illetve az ékszerkészítésbe is bele kóstolhattunk, ahol saját karkötőinket készítettük
el és mi magunk csináltuk a gyöngyöket hozzá.
Ezen kívül meglátogattunk művészeti gallériákat ahol a kiállításokat
néztük meg. Mindenek felett a
tapasztalatam a ‘Bronze Arts Award-bá nagyon jó volt. Sok tapasztalat és egy
bizonyítvány után, büszkén folytatom tovább a ‘Silver Arts Award-al’.
I am a 14-year-old girl and a year ago I started a
"Bronze Arts Award" (at age 13). Since then, I have learned a lot of
different art techniques.
We made pencil sketches of objects. Then we made wire
sculptures. Various painting techniques were tried. I've made some illustrations of super heroes, and I also worked with fabrics. Then we made our own beads
and jewelry.
In addition, we went to an art gallery, where we looked at
The experience of the "Bronze Art Award was very good.
After learning these techniques, I am proud to continue this certificate"
Silver Arts Award ".
Les quatre élèves de Oasis Academy à Salford ont terminé avec succès leur prix Arts Bronze!
Los cuatro alumnos de Oasis Academia en Salford Reino Unido han completado con éxito su Premio de las Artes Bronce.
I quattro allievi femminili da Oasis Academy a Salford, Regno Unito hanno completato con successo la loro Arts Award Bronze !
Четыре учеников из Oasis академии в Salford Великобритании успешно завершили свою награду Bronze Arts!
Štyri žiaci prešli ich Arts Award bronz!
A négy diák Oasis Akadémia Salford UK sikeresen tértek Bronz díj a Művészetek!
Četiri studenti prošao svoju umjetnost nagradu Bronze!
Cztery studentki z Akademii Oasis w Salford w Wielkiej Brytanii z powodzeniem zakończyły Bronze
Arts Award!
Наші чотири студентки зі школи під назвою Oasis академії в Salford, Великобританія досягли своєї бронзи мистецтва премії!
सैलफोर्ड, ब्रिटेन में, इस स्कूल ओएसिस अकादमी बुलाया से चार महिला विद्यार्थियों को सफलतापूर्वक अपनी कला पुरस्कार कांस्य पदक पूरा कर लिया है!
Salford ਵਿੱਚ Oasis ਅਕੈਡਮੀ ਸਕੂਲ ਦੇ ਚਾਰ ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀ, ਯੂਕੇ ਸਫਲਤਾਪੂਰਕ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਕਲਾ ਪੁਰਸਕਾਰ ਬ੍ਰੋਨਜ਼ ਮੈਡਲ ਨੂੰ ਪੂਰਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ !.