Monday, 26 December 2016

Year 2 Arts Award Bronze and Silver - Oasis Academy


A new group of students began work on their Bronze Award starting with reverse applique.  The pupils sketched their designs on paper, having first thought about their own personal objects.  The drawing below is of a student's school bag.

Hafid worked hard at his sewing techniques and made good progress towards achieving his design in felt.  There is still some work to do before his design is finished.  Hafid is in the process of cutting away the unwanted layers to reveal his chosen colours for each section.

Shola made her design using a template of a circle for each of the ears and also for the face of the mouse below.  She decided to cut away the colours in such a way that the face is striped and one edge of each stripe is loose, rather than a sewn edge.  This was her own invention.  She also added the bow.

The design was used to make the front cover for a cushion.

Olivia, who already achieved a Bronze Arts Award last term, decided to support and mentor Shola by designing and making another reverse applique piece and working alongside Shola to help her at every stage of the project.  Olivia was thinking of embellishing her design with embroidery as she did in her last project in reverse applique.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Reverse Applique - An Arts Council of England Funded Arts Award Bronze and Silver Courses

All About Me - Reverse Applique on Felt - A New Course at Oasis Academy, Media City

Bronze Award

Building on the success of the four students from last, year, I am now Arts Adviser for the Bronze Arts Award to another class of Year 9 students and also to the original group of students from the last year, who are now working towards their Silver Award.

The new Year 9 group is a mix of boys and girls this year.

We began drawing objects which have a particular meaning to the individual students.  The only ban is on the mobile phone, as they all look similar, so some have chosen a shoe or a trainer, a favourite logo, or a watch to draw.  They were all given an A4 sheet of coloured paper and a felt pen, though some chose to draw in pencil.

During the second week, another batch of Year 9s arrived, so they began drawing their special objects, while the first group began choosing their coloured pieces of felt, with which they will be making their reverse applique designs.

A huge bonus this year is that a student from last year has asked to help with delivering this course, and this will be of benefit in her Silver Award.

Destiny gave a short presentation on how the felt pieces were to be stacked up and sewn around the edges, and helped students to achieve this.  Meanwhile, I was offering suggestions of objects to draw to the new Year 9 pupils.

Some pupils had had experience of sewing, but most, as in the previous year did not.  We had a busy hour of sketching, threading needles and, finally, sewing the pieces together.  By the end of the hour, some students had already transferred their designs onto the top black felt layer using the white tailors' chalk.

As we were all clearing away, Destiny was reflecting on the experience, and said that she now appreciated how difficult, but, at the same time, how rewarding teaching children is.  I am hoping that she will continue to help with this course.

Silver Award

The four successful Arts Award Bronze students were photographed with their Art Teacher and myself in front of displays of their art work from last year.

We then had a short discussion regarding what they need to do next, as they have initiated and held their first Art Exhibition in Eccles Community Art Gallery, Eccles Town Centre, Greater Manchester.

Their new brief is to interview artists, so they have decided to work as a team to interview their Art Teachers and myself.  Another part of the Silver Award is to become a leader. Destiny is already making some progress in this, as she has demonstrated above.

I was able to show the four pupils how much support viewers of this blog have given them, by viewing each of my posts about this Arts Council funded project, and they were delighted to hear that viewings have reached over 1200 from all over the Northern hemisphere.

I am hoping that the pupils will post some comments about taking part in this project at some stage, so I look forward to that.

Eine neue Gruppe von Studenten beginnen ihre Arts Award Bronze Kurs in dieser Woche. Sie zeichnen derzeit persönliche Gegenstände. Diese Zeichnungen werden in kreativen Nähen verwendet werden. In der Zwischenzeit sammeln sich die Silver Award Gruppe Informationen über Kunst und Künstler, die sie kennengelernt haben..

Un nouveau groupe d'étudiants commencent leur cours Bronze Award Arts cette semaine. Ils élaborent actuellement des effets personnels. Ces dessins seront utilisés dans appliques créatif. En attendant, le groupe Silver Award recueillir des informations sur l'art et les artistes qu'elles connaissent.

Un nuevo grupo de estudiantes comienzan su curso de artes Premio de Bronce esta semana. Ellos están haciendo actualmente dibujos de sus pertenencias personales. Estos dibujos serán utilizados en apliques creativo. Mientras tanto, el grupo premio de plata se va a recopilar información sobre el arte y los artistas que conocen.

Un nuovo gruppo di studenti iniziano il loro corso Arts Award Bronze questa settimana. Attualmente stanno facendo disegni dei loro effetti personali. Questi disegni saranno utilizzati in applique creativo. Nel frattempo, il gruppo Silver Award stanno andando a raccogliere informazioni su arte e gli artisti che conoscono.

Ikasle talde ikasturte berri bat hasi Arts ikastaro aste honetan. Momentu honetan objektu pertsonalak marrazkiak egiten ari dira. Marrazki hauek erabiliko dira sormen applique egiteko. Bien bitartean, ikasleen zaharragoak duten dakite artista batzuk buruzko informazioa bilduko da.

Egy új csoport diák kezdeni egy művészeti tanfolyamok ezen a héten. Abban a pillanatban csinálnak rajzai személyes tárgyait. Ezek a rajzok fogják használni kreatív rátét. Eközben néhány idősebb diákok adatokat gyűjt művészek.

Nova skupina studenata započeti novu umjetničku tečaj ovaj tjedan. U ovom trenutku oni čine crteži osobne stvari. Ovi crteži će se koristiti za dizajn kreativne aplicirano. U međuvremenu, neki stariji učenici prikupljati podatke o umjetnicima.



Некоторые новые студенты начинать курс бронзовую медаль искусств. Их задача состоит в том, чтобы сделать чертежи личных вещей. Далее они будут создавать рисунки на ткани.
В то же время, студенты из предыдущих классов будут проводить исследования на некоторых из художников и их искусства.

Деякі нові студенти починають бронзову медаль мистецтв. Їх завдання полягає в тому, щоб зробити креслення їх особистого objects.Then вони будуть створювати візерунки на тканині.
У той же час, студенти з попередніх класів проводять дослідження на деяких з художників і їх роботи.

कुछ नए छात्रों के लिए एक बुनियादी आर्ट कोर्स शुरू करते हैं। वे कागज पर एक व्यक्तिगत आइटम की एक बैठक करते हैं। अगली बार वे कपड़े पर एक पैटर्न बनाने।
एक ही समय में, छात्रों के पिछले वर्गों के कलाकारों और उनके काम से कुछ पर अनुसंधान कर रही है।

کچھ طالب علموں کو ایک بنیادی فن کورس کا مطالعہ. ان کا کام ایک ذاتی شئی کو اپنی طرف متوجہ کرنے کے لئے ہے. اگلا وہ کپڑے پر ایک پیٹرن پیدا.
ایک ہی وقت میں، آخری کلاس کے طالب علموں کے کچھ فنکاروں اور تخلیقی کام کا مطالعہ کر. ہ.

ਕੁਝ ਨੌਜਵਾਨ ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਰਚਨਾਤਮਕ ਕਲਾ ਬੁਨਿਆਦੀ ਹੁਨਰ ਕੋਰਸ ਦਾ ਅਧਿਐਨ. ਪਹਿਲਾ ਕੰਮ ਇੱਕ ਨਿੱਜੀ ਇਕਾਈ ਨੂੰ ਖਿੱਚਣ ਲਈ ਹੈ. ਉਹ ਫੈਬਰਿਕ 'ਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਪੈਟਰਨ ਪੈਦਾ.
ਉਸੇ ਹੀ ਵੇਲੇ, ਕਲਾ ਅਤੇ ਕਲਾਕਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਿਛਲੇ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਨੂੰ ਚਾਲ-ਚਲਣ ਖੋਜ ਤੱਕ ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀ.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

ARTS COUNCIL OF ENGLAND FUNDED COURSE - Arts Award Bronze and Silver at Oasis Academy Media City Uk

Our Achievements So Far

After the success of our four Arts Award Bronze candidates,  they will be receiving their certificates at a special school assembly towards the end of September.  The school is hoping to keep this event as a surprise from them.  The four successful pupils will also receive a small gift to commemorate their achievements.

Last term Olivia, Yoelle, Destiny and Fanni said that they would like to try the Arts Award Silver and we made some headway toward this new goal.

In my last post I wrote about the Art Exhibition that the pupils organised for themselves at Eccles Community Art Gallery, where they displayed work which they had created during that term.  Two of the pupils, Olivia and Yoelle attended the preview and I was privileged to be able to meet Yoelle's family.  I told her father how hard they had all worked during the past year, and that some of the tasks, for example, the wire work, had been really difficult to manage, but they had all created great results.

During the preview the pupils were interviewed about their various paintings and they responded intelligently to questions both from the interviewer and from members of the public, who took an interest in their work.  The pupils were a little shy at first of talking in public, but they soon became used to this new experience and began to enjoy their moments of fame.

New Projects

As the four pupils have now achieved their Arts Award Bronze, I was invited to undertake a new project with some pupils from the new year's Year 9 intake.  As yet, I have no idea how many pupils, I will be finding all this out on Tuesday.

I have some ideas already about what we will do, loosely based on last year's program.

I do know that this year I will be making better use of the Arts Award resources, including Art Box, which is an online tool for storing the candidates' photos of their art and also of written work, which may be accessed by the candidates, the Adviser (me in this case) and the Moderator.  Art Box, it is hoped, will make it easier for the candidates to take a more active role much earlier in the learning process to assemble and collate their own individual portfolios ready for marking and moderation.

Images of Oasis Academy Pupils' Work for Arts Award Bronze, 2015-16

A painting made using various colours of diluted acrylic paint, 
which has been dripped onto the paper, and moved around
to create the different patterns.

Using string soaked in diluted acrylic paint, which was 
placed inside folded paper, and compressed with a       
heavy object, the string was pulled out of the paper,     
                               to create these patterns.                     


After drawing the design, different grades of wire were
used to create the frame and then the filling for these

The above piece was made from five layers of felt which      
were sewn together around the edges, and the design           
applied in tailors' chalk,  Then the outline was stitched and    
the different coloured felt layers were cut away to create      
the image as shown.  This is called reverse applique.            
In the  example above, embroidery was also applied.            

 The pupils created their own beads from air-drying clay,
allowed them to dry and then painted the beads in different
colours, sometimes mixing the colours together on the bead.
One or two beads were threaded onto a silver bangle.

The pupils invented their own characters during their    
sessions on action figure illustration and some managed
to invent a story to accompany the illustrations.              

These are some display boards of the wire and applique 
felt work which went on show at Oasis Academy towards
the end of July, 2016.



Četiri studenti će dobiti certifikat bronce umjetnosti na posebnoj svečanosti krajem rujna.  Nova umjetnost nagrada tečaj je planirana za 2016-17

Les quatre étudiantes recevront leur médaille de bronze Arts certificats de récompense à une assemblée spéciale à Oasis Academy à la fin de Septembre, et aussi un nouveau cours Arts Award est prévu pour 2016-17.

Die vier Studenten werden ihre Zertifikate für den Bronze-Kunstpreis bei einer Sonderversammlung an der Oasis Academy Ende September erhalten und das neue Kunstpreis Kurs ist für 2016-17 geplant.

Στα τέλη Σεπτεμβρίου, τέσσερις μαθητές θα λάβουν ένα πιστοποιητικό χάλκινο για το Arts Award σε ειδική συνέλευση σχολείο. Η νέα τέχνη βραβεία του προγράμματος έχει προγραμματιστεί για το 2016 με 17.

देर से सितम्बर में, चार छात्रों को अपने कांस्य कला पुरस्कार प्रमाण पत्र को स्वीकार करेंगे। एक नया कार्यक्रम कला पुरस्कार पुरस्कार के लिए वर्ष 2016-17 के लिए निर्धारित है।

Szeptember végén, négy női hallgatók kapnak egy bronz Arts tanúsítványt. Egy új Művészeti Díj programot terveznek 2016-17.

I quattro studentesse riceveranno i certificati loro premio di bronzo  per le arti in una speciale di assemblaggio presso la scuola a fine settembre, e un nuovo premio corso di arti è prevista per il 2016-17.

9 월 말에서 4 명의 학생은 특수 학교 어셈블리에서 예술 수상 청동 인증서를 받게됩니다. 새로운 프로그램은 2016-17 예상된다

ਦੇਰ ਸਤੰਬਰ ਵਿੱਚ, ਚਾਰ ਮਹਿਲਾ ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀ ਪਿੱਤਲ ਸਰਟੀਫਿਕੇਟ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰੇਗਾ. ਇੱਕ ਨਵ ਪ੍ਰੋਗਰਾਮ ਨੂੰ 2016-17 ਲਈ ਯੋਜਨਾ ਬਣਾਈ ਹੈ.0
Cztery studentki otrzyma Nagrodę sztuki certyfikat brąz na specjalnym apelu na koniec września Program nowe Arts Award planowany jest na 2016-17

Štyri ženské študent dostane certifikát pre bronz Arts Award. Budúci Kurz Arts Award Bronze je plánované na rok 2016-2017

В кінці вересня чотири студентки отримає бронзову сертифікат на премію мистецтв на спеціальному шкільних зборах. Нова програма премії мистецтва запланована на 2016-17.

Четверо студентов получат свои сертификаты бронзовые искусства награду на специальном собрании в Oasis академии в конце сентября, а также новый курс премии Arts запланирован на 2016-17.

Las cuatro estudiantes recibirán sus certificados para el Premio de las Artes de bronce en una asamblea especial en la escuela a finales de septiembre, y un nuevo curso Premio de las Artes está prevista para 2016-17.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Final Results - Arts Award Bronze - Out of the Ordinary

The Final Results Are In.

Last week I went down to Norwich to deliver the portfolios of the four remaining Arts Award Bronze candidates.

Getting the portfolios ready had its difficulties as there are numerous checks that need to be done, the various sections need to be in order, so that the Moderator can have a good idea of whether all parts of the Award have been completed satisfactorily.  Then there was the question of the demonstrations the pupils made, which were all on CD but which were in no particular order, as these had been taken from my phone.  I needed to put these in sequence on a USB stick, which also took some time. Eventually, everything came together and the portfolios were ready.

I travelled by coach to London and then from London to Norwich and back to Manchester again. Some might say this was over the top as the journey took approximately 14 hours in all, plus waiting time,  but I felt that, after all their hard work, I couldn't put these portfolios in strangers' hands.

Only a few days later I heard the news by e-mail that ALL FOUR HAVE PASSED!

For about five minutes, I couldn't speak.  I sent a few e-mails out to staff at Oasis Academy and Salford Community Leisure Ltd. who had helped with the organisation of the course and who had supported it all the way through.  I also posted the results on Facebook.

The Grants Team at Arts Council England were delighted to hear that the pupils want to do their Silver Arts Award also, which was mentioned in the previous post.

Here is a message from one of the students, Varni, in her native Hungarian language:

Én egy 14 éves lány vagyok, egy évvel ezelött kezdtem el a ‘Bronze Arts Award-ot’ csinálni (13 évesen). Azóta nagyon sokat tanultam a különbözö művészeti technikákról. 

Ebben tartozik a szobrászat amit drotokból készítettünk el, különböző festési technikák, mese figurákat rajzoltunk, textíliákat készítettünk, illetve az ékszerkészítésbe is bele kóstolhattunk, ahol saját karkötőinket készítettük el és mi magunk csináltuk a gyöngyöket hozzá.

Ezen kívül meglátogattunk művészeti gallériákat ahol a kiállításokat néztük meg.  Mindenek felett a tapasztalatam a ‘Bronze Arts Award-bá nagyon jó volt. Sok tapasztalat és egy bizonyítvány után, büszkén folytatom tovább a ‘Silver Arts Award-al’.


The above message roughly translated:


I am a 14-year-old girl and a year ago I started a "Bronze Arts Award" (at age 13). Since then, I have learned a lot of different art techniques.

We made pencil sketches of objects. Then we made wire sculptures. Various painting techniques were tried. I've made some  illustrations of super heroes, and I also worked with  fabrics. Then we made our own beads and jewelry.

In addition, we went to an art gallery, where we looked at paintings.

The experience of the "Bronze Art Award was very good. After learning these techniques, I am proud to continue this certificate" Silver Arts Award ".


Die vier Schülerinnen von Oasis Academy in Salford haben ihre Arts Award Bronze bestanden!

Les quatre élèves de Oasis Academy à Salford ont terminé avec succès leur prix Arts Bronze!

Los cuatro alumnos de Oasis Academia en Salford Reino Unido han completado con éxito su Premio de las Artes Bronce.

I quattro allievi femminili da Oasis Academy a Salford, Regno Unito hanno completato con successo la loro Arts Award Bronze !

Четыре учеников из Oasis академии в Salford Великобритании успешно завершили свою награду Bronze Arts!

Štyri žiaci prešli ich Arts Award bronz!

A négy diák Oasis Akadémia Salford UK sikeresen tértek Bronz díj a Művészetek!

Četiri studenti prošao svoju umjetnost nagradu Bronze!

Cztery studentki z Akademii Oasis w Salford w Wielkiej Brytanii z powodzeniem zakończyły Bronze 
Arts Award!

Наші чотири студентки зі школи під назвою Oasis академії в Salford, Великобританія досягли своєї бронзи мистецтва премії!


सैलफोर्ड, ब्रिटेन में, इस स्कूल ओएसिस अकादमी बुलाया से चार महिला विद्यार्थियों को सफलतापूर्वक अपनी कला पुरस्कार कांस्य पदक पूरा कर लिया है!

Salford ਵਿੱਚ Oasis ਅਕੈਡਮੀ ਸਕੂਲ ਦੇ ਚਾਰ ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀ, ਯੂਕੇ ਸਫਲਤਾਪੂਰਕ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਕਲਾ ਪੁਰਸਕਾਰ ਬ੍ਰੋਨਜ਼ ਮੈਡਲ ਨੂੰ ਪੂਰਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੈ !.


Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Beginning the Arts Award Silver - Took Part in an Exhibition

Oasis Academy Media City Pupils Take Part in an  Exhibition at Eccles Community Art Gallery from 18 June until 9 July, 2016, Eccles Town Centre, Greater Manchester.

Four of the original pupils who took part in the workshops run by the artists/tutors during the Autumn Term of 2015,  have been working towards an exhibition of their own in a local community gallery.The workshops offered to a dozen pupils were inspired by some of the ordinary objects from the Exhibition "Out of the Ordinary" of Colin Rodney Burrows' paintings,

The remaining pupils have been developing their painting techniques during the Spring and Summer Terms this year, and, as part of the Silver Arts Award, they have worked together to arrange an exhibition for themselves of their current art work.

Olivia Mankondo, may have been inspired by the Egyptian history of beadmaking when she decided to paint a portrait of an Egyptian Princess.  Tim Broughton, not content with merely showing the pupils how to make beads, was determined to explain the history of jewelry and other artifacts, crafted by the Egyptians.  He even brought in a piece of ancient pottery which had been excavated by his daughter in the North West of England.

Yoelle Lalaye took a bold approach and decided to paint an impressive snake entwining a female figure on a large. canvas.  Her first inspiration was a reference to evil battling good,  however the title was changed to "Trapped Mankind".  Yoelle obviously took note of the painting workshops, whereby attention was given to the importance of interesting backgrounds, and she has spent many hours painting the individual scales on the snake.


Fanni Jori also paid particular attention to her rainbow-coloured background on the painting below,  Her painting was inspired by her feelings of happiness and the fact that she loves butterflies.  They are so beautifully painted, that she was encouraged to name the painting "The Beautyflies".

Destiny Jones is a member of the team which arranged the exhibition, although she has been busy with prior commitments and was unable to undertake much painting.  She is represented in the exhibition by one of her best works from a previous workshop,  This work features an image of a pendant or a brooch, made by working on several different coloured layers of felt, which have been sewn together and a design drawn on the top black layer of felt, and stiched around the outlines.  The felt has been cut away to reveal the image in all its glory!


A Poster to advertise the pupils' participation in the Exhibition was devised by the whole team and displayed around the school.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Out of the Ordinary - An Arts Award Bronze Course in Clay Bead-making with Tim Broughton

A Course in Clay Bead-making contd.

Tim Broughton, the tutor,  is a jeweler who has been in the trade for 45 years and who now works from a studio in Swinton, Greater Manchester,as well as teaching courses in jewelry and delivering workshops in clay.  A graduate of the University of Salford, Tim also has an active interest in archaeology and antiques.

Each pupil had a different idea of how to colour their beads.  A set of ceramic paints was provided, as well as cocktail sticks on which to place the beads while they were being painted.  They could then be stuck into some clay, as a support, whilst the paint dried.

Some of the pupils chose to paint the beads with a small paintbrush, although another had the idea of pouring a selection of coloured paint onto some clean water in a small pot.  She then dipped the beads into the the water, with the aid of cocktail sticks, or wire could be used,  and collected paint from the surface, producing a marbled effect.  A variety of paint effects was achieved by their experiments.

Some of the students decided to use the negative spaces and make medallions.

The beads were threaded onto copper wire in the first instance to form a bangle .

Серебристый и медные браслеты.

Then each pupil was measured for a silver bangle and it was recommended that fewer beads were threaded onto the silver in order to show off the precious metal.

The ends of the bangle were formed into a loop using round nose pliers.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Out of the Ordinary - An Arts Award Bronze Course in Clay Bead-making with Tim Broughton

A Course in Clay Bead-making

Tim Broughton is a jeweler who has been in the trade for 45 years and who now works from a studio in Swinton, Greater Manchester,as well as teaching courses in jewelry and delivering workshops in clay.  A graduate of the University of Salford, Tim also has an active interest in archaeology and antiques.

Tim told the group about the history of jewelry, and that one of the earliest forms was made with clay beads threaded onto a torq.

The  pupils were then shown how to make beads by taking a small piece of white air-drying clay and rolling it around in the palm of their hands.  They could also roll the bead around on a flat surface if they wished.  Then Tim showed them how to pierce a hole carefully in the centre of the bead with a cocktail stick.

The students were also shown how to make long, thin beads, but these had to be treated with more care, as they could be fragile. The best size for these beads is about a half inch.  Piercing a hole through this type of bead is more difficult than through the round beads.

There was another method of making beads, which was by cutting into a thin layer of clay with shaped cutters.  There was the opportunity to make a variety of shapes and this time a hole needed to be pierced towards the edge of the shape.  The hole needs to be reasonably wide, so that the copper or silver wire fits through it.

The pupils set to work and produced a great number and variety of beads, which were left to dry for a few days....

Schüler von Oasis Akademie in Salford, Greater Manchester, machten Perlen aus Luft-trocknen Ton.

Dzieci produkowany szeroki wachlarz biżuteria z gliny podczas ich pierwszej lekcji.

Une grande variété de perles sont faites par les élèves d'Oasis Academy, Media City, Salford, quand ils apprennent à faire des bijoux avec Tim Broughton.

La gama de abalorios realizados por los alumnos de la Academia de Oasis, Media City, Salford, sólo está limitado por la imaginación!

La gamma dei talloni realizzati dagli studenti dell Accademia di oasi, Media City, Salford, è limitata solo dalla fantasia di questi studenti!

Lapset tekevät koruja!

بچوں کو مٹی جپنوں